Oh When The Saints, Go Marching In

If you are a Sisters of Mary alumnus, I'm sure you know this song. We used to sung this during the mass back to the times when we are still students. If you know this, come and join me sing with praise as we celebrate the All Saints Day. Here we go,

Oh When The Saints, Go Marching In

Oh when the saints, go marching in
Oh when the saints, go marching in
Dear Fr. Al, must be in that number
When the saints, go marching in.

Oh when the sun, refuge to shine
Oh when the sun, refuge to shine
Dear Fr. Al, must be in that number
When the sun refuge to shine.

Oh when they gather, around the throne
Oh when they gather, around the throne
Oh Lord, I want to be in that number
When they gather around the throne.


Fr. Al is the dear founder of our school, He is a Black American and was able to build 4 schools here in Philippines. He is currently on the process of canonization. Please help us pray for his early proclamation as saint. 


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